Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I made this visual journal page earlier this week while sitting on the patio at Starbucks savoring a nonfat caramel latte.

It reads, Indulge:

sip coffee in the sun

spend $10 on something "frivolous"

buy yourself fresh flowers

get a massage or facial

spray your pillow with lavender

make yourself a smoothie

buy luxurious hand soap or lotion

let it go to voice mail

wander, browse

be idle (sans guilt)

get a mani/pedi

buy yourself a decadent truffle

nap in the sun

stay in bed for the day

see a midday movie

try a new flavor of seltzer (I'm on a seltzer kick right now)

There are so many ways to indulge! Go ahead - you deserve it!

1 comment:

  1. i love this visual journal page. there are so many little ways we can treat ourselves. you give a ton of different ideas - love it! hugs!!
