Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Bonjour September!

Each new month, and especially each changing season, inspires me to reflect on my goals.

In June, I wrote that I planned to do these things by the end of the year:

  • close on property for wellness center: Yup! I can't believe it has been more than two months since we closed...
  • pass EPPP: Yes again! And thank goodness, that took quite the load off of my mind!
  • try yoga dance class: Yes, tried this class a few weeks back at Shakti. It was really fun, but definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone at times, especially when we danced in a circle and had to take turns dancing in the middle and leading the group!
  • go to california with my husband to relive our honeymoon: Check! Ahh... that was wonderful...
  • go back to spinning class: Nope. Not even close...didn't even check the schedule...
  • take goddess leonie's de-cluttering e-course & clear some major clutter: Technically I took the course, but I never got past week 2 and I certainly don't feel like I cleared any major clutter :-( Will keep this goal on the list for Fall.
  • open a private practice: Doors should be open the day after Labor Day! Furniture is coming this Thursday!
  • take a family vacation to rhode island: Yes! We had a great time hanging out on the beach.
  • brainstorm new ways to volunteer in my community: I've been continuing with my volunteer yoga gig, but haven't put any more thought into new outlets. Will keep this on the Fall list as well.
Fall 2009 Goals:

  • Begin a daily meditation practice
  • Re-commit to a weekly Artist Date
  • Continue walking at least 30 minutes at least 3 times per week
  • Swim laps at least 2 times per week
  • Continue weekly yoga class
  • Clear some major clutter (need to get more specific on this one)
  • Attend Level 3 yoga training
  • Brainstorm volunteer opportunities
As I reflect, I'm feeling pretty good about my health and physical activity. I also feel amazing about my family and work situation. I think I'd like my main focus for the Fall to be on really clearing our home environment of clutter.

What are your Fall goals?

picture above is the view from our boat as the sun set on lake ontario

1 comment:

  1. wow mindy, you did fantastic achieving your goals!! you have a lot to be proud of! i love the change of the seasons, especially summer into fall, when we get a chance to turn in and reflect. at this particular time i am thrilled to embark on my journey of wellness. massage therapy, yoga, mediation... what could be better :)
