Thursday, September 8, 2011

September Dreams

I recently had a long overdue date with my art journal. During my maternity leave I have not been posting my regular Monthly Goal Reflection. Since it's been more than three months since I've pondered my goals, I decided to start with the Living Wellness Lotus activity. This is a visual tool I created for assessing the state of several areas of one's life.

Play along at home! Rate the following areas of your life from 1 (time for major change) to 10 (things are going great): creativity, spirituality, physical, relationships, finances, service, environment, self-care, and life's work. Next, draw a flower to reflect your ratings. Use bigger or longer petals for higher ratings.

After taking a look at the current state of these areas of my life, I jotted down some goals for each one.

Physical: lose 5lbs (still working on that baby weight), walk 3x/week, check Spinning class schedule at YMCA

Spiritual: take a yoga class, read an inspiring book (just ordered this one and this one)

Finances: save 25% of my earnings this month, donate to beloved charity

Service: brainstorm ways to give back locally and globally

Environment: clean off the buffet in our foyer, empty boxes in my home office

Self-Care: re-establish morning ritual, take 15 minutes of "me-time" daily

Life's Work: assess current schedule/activities and brainstorm next steps

Creativity: blog 2x this month, art journal, vision board for remainder of 2011

My next step will be to find an inspiring image, tape it into my Planner Pad and jot my monthly goals there so that I am reminded of them daily.

Carve out some time for reflection. What areas of your life need attention? What small steps can you take toward your ideal life? What are you dreaming of this month? Did you know people who share their goals with others and write them down are more likely to succeed? Feel free to share your dreams in the comments and we can support each other!

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