Hi Lovelies,
It is time for Monthly Goal Reflection! Every time I get settled in to write the baby starts kicking up a storm which is fantastically distracting! But I've managed to get this post done! I'll also be back soon with my Yearly Goal Reflection and highlights of 2010. Consider taking some time today or over the weekend to review your own 2010 highlights and plans for 2011!
December Dreams:
- Reflect on this year and plan for next year with the help of Reverb 10: Yes! I am still reveling in the process of reflecting on 2010 and planning for 2011. I plan to complete all of the Reverb 10 prompts (eventually). I will continue to share those thoughts here, as well as my other reflections/dreams.
- Spa date with my sister for facials & pedicures - aaahhhh!!!!: Yes! I love spa dates!
- Bake holiday cookies with my grandma: Yes! My sister, niece, grandma, and I had a fun-filled day of baking earlier this month.
- Host Girls' Night with the YaYas & celebrate my bff's birthday: Yes! We had a sundae party at our Girls' Night -yumm!
- See Trans-Siberian Orchestra: Yes! They were so amazing! Highly recommend!
- Get yummy hot beverage and take a drive to admire holiday lights: Not exactly. I like to do this as formal event with my family, but no one was interested this year :-( However, I have enjoyed several yummy hot beverages this month and admired the holiday lights along the way!
- Two full weeks of vacation - whoo hoo!!! Yes! I am SO proud of myself for sticking to this. I have done a teeny tiny bit of work from home, but very little overall. Mostly I have been sleeping in, reading, and hanging out with my family and friends.
- Celebrate my sweet stepdad and my fabulous sister's birthdays: Yes! We had a little party at our house filled with good eats and fun times to toast their birthdays! I love our family gatherings :-)
- Megan's holiday chorus concert (she has a solo!): Yes! She actually had two concerts this month, one of which I thought I had to miss, but I made it to both! Megan is a great performer and I am so proud of her!
- Walk 2-3x/week: No... but still a work in progress. I've walked two times this week!
- Daily meditation, even if done in bed: I guess if I use the term meditation loosely this would be a yes. I have definitely taken a few quiet minutes most days to breathe. In terms of sitting on the meditation cushion and formally sitting, I've only gotten there a handful of times. Again, a work in progress.
- Conference call with my writing buddies from the SARK retreat (hello writing accountability): No. I chose to skip the conference call because it fell on the first day of my vacation which I actually spent at jury duty (ugh) and by the time I got home I really needed some dinner and time with my family.
- Outline new blog ideas in preparation for 2011: Yes! Starting In January I am going to have a theme for each month and weekly posts on the topic. The first week of the month the post will be about a mini-activity related to the topic, the second week will be journal prompts, the third week will be a practice to try, and the fourth week will be all about further resources on the subject. January's topic will be Look Within. My idea is to provide my readers with more content (as opposed to only my rambling thoughts). I hope you will enjoy this new feature on the blog!
- Celebrate the holidays with family, soak up every minute of their company, and take lots of pictures of all the adorable kiddos! Yes! I have truly enjoyed the holidays this year! Christmas was a riot with all of the little kids in my family! Tonight I'm looking forward to another dinner at my mom's house and more visiting with the family, relaxing, and (of course) eating.
- Decorate my 2011 Planner Pad
- Settle on my word/phrase for 2011
- Signed rental contracts for 3 newly renovated offices at Living Wellness of Niagara with fabulous, like-minded health & wellness professionals. I'm especially interested in massage therapists, holistic health counselors, naturopathic practitioners, life coaches, or creativity/spirituality professionals. (For more info, contact me at mscime710@roadrunner.com)
- Celebrate my gramma's 75th birthday!
- Provide inspiring content and support brave dreamers through the Dare to Live Your Dreams Online Circle, starting January 14th
- Celebrate Megan's 13th birthday (OMG) and my niece's 4th birthday with two fabulous parties
- Try out my new work schedule that leaves more space for seeing clients, as well as an every-other-week writing block
- Save 40% of my earnings this month to put toward supporting my maternity leave/ the hot tub fund
- Back to basics! Walk, write, sit, stretch. Daily movement (yoga or walking), daily meditation, and daily morning pages. Weekly Artist Dates.
- Begin the process of finding an amazing yoga teacher to cover classes during my maternity leave and an inspirational therapist to work out of my office/cover clients during maternity leave. (If you know anyone, send them my way at mscime710@roadrunner.com)